Training: Adapting Vroom Content

Module 4: Finding the Right Vroom Tips

Finding the Right Vroom Tips

About Searching and Sorting

The Vroom Tips collection can be sorted and searched using tags. For example, you can search for tips that are based on activities to do with a child at bedtime by searching the tag “bedtime.”

There are six categories of tags in the database. Each category contains many tags, as you’ll soon learn.

  • Activities & Settings
  • Content Knowledge
  • Supported Skills
  • Brain Building Basics
  • Top Age
  • Bottom Age

Some categories can have multiple active tags for a single Vroom Tip.

Tags: Activities & Settings

You can search for tips based on the setting or place where the tip might be used (like outside) or around the type of activities it fits in with (like bathtime).

These are the tags for the category “Activities & Settings:”

Some tips are relevant to for more than one activity or setting. We choose the tag based on the primary activity or setting for each tip.

Many tips support knowledge in many areas.

  • Anytime/Anywhere
  • At an Appointment
  • At the Park
  • At the Store
  • Bathtime
  • Bedtime
  • Challenging Moments
  • Cleaning Up
  • Diaper Change
  • Getting Dressed
  • Inside
  • Laundry
  • Mealtime
  • On the Go
  • Outside
  • Playtime
  • Snacktime

Tags: Content Knowledge

You can search the database of Vroom Tips based on these Content Knowledge Tags, which relate to specific skills or things a child might learn about, like art or math.

These are the Tags for Content Knowledge:

  • Art
  • Activity (Movement)
  • Cooking and Food
  • Feelings (and Emotions)
  • Health
  • Literacy (Reading, Writing, Language Development/Vocabulary)
  • Math (Numbers, Quantities, Shapes, Sizes)
  • Music
  • Our World (Environment, People, Animals, etc.)
  • Physical (Fine and Gross Motor Skills)
  • Pretend/Make Up Story
  • Science/Scientific Thinking
Keep in Mind

Vroom Tips are about early childhood brain development. While we include a Content Knowledge tag for “Physical” that includes physical skill development, Vroom Tips are exclusively about brain development. This tag is provided to help you pair these Vroom Tips with other work you may be doing in these areas or contexts. Please do not add additional physical development references to the activity or Brainy Background in the adaptation process.

Tags: Supported Skills

Because of our commitment to the science of early childhood, we want to be sure that you have high level information about the specific learning skills each tip can help develop. For these tags, which we call Supported Skills, we don’t limit our tags to the primary skill. We try to identify as many skills as we can that we think are directly supported by the activity.

Here are the Supported Skills tags:

  • Categorizing
  • Communicating
  • Creativity
  • Critical Thinking
  • Decision Making
  • Detective
  • Focus
  • Listening
  • Making Connections
  • Persistence
  • Planning
  • Problem-Solving
  • Reflecting
  • Self Control
  • Setting Goals
  • Strategy
  • Thinking Flexibly
  • Working with Others
  • Working Memory

Tags: Brain Building Basics

You will remember from Module 1 that the five Brain Building Basics boil down the science into action prompts for parents and caregivers. All tips are tagged with their primary Brain Building Basic and labeled with the appropriate color for our color-coding system. We also include additional Brain Building Basics that may be relevant.

Combining Tags

If you wanted to search the Vroom Tip collection for all the tips that involve taking turns, you could filter the spreadsheet by selecting only the Brain Building Basics tag for Taking Turns.

You could also then filter for another tag, such as age range or setting. For example, you could filter your results by Bottom Age and Top Age to search for Vroom Tips about Taking Turns for children as young as 3 years and as old as 5. This can be very helpful as you think about your audience, your delivery channels, and the context where you might share the tip.