Training: Adapting Vroom Content

Module 3: About Module 3

Module 3

About Module 3

This module will help you begin to think about how to adapt Vroom Content.

When you have completed it, you should understand several key aspects of the adaptation process, including delivery channels, formats, attributions, trademarks, design and visual assets.

These are the parts of Module 3:

  1. About Module 3
  2. Delivery Channels
  3. Formats
  4. Attribution
  5. Trademarks
  6. Complementary Language
  7. Adaptation Limitations

Recap from Module 2

In Module 2 we explored several ways you might choose to adapt Vroom Content with a free Adaptation, Localization and Translation Vroom Content License. For example:

  • Adapt Vroom Content for a specific format and co-brand content
  • Localize Vroom Content by making changes to appropriately adapt and reformat based on specific locations, situations, settings, environments, and/or cultures
  • Translate Vroom Content into other language(s)

As a licensee it will be your responsibility to ensure translation, localization, and branding is done in a professional and accurate manner. To do this well, you will need to rely on your own expertise and perspective, as well as abide by parameters that will be covered in detail in Module 4.

Key Terminology

Before diving into detailed adaptation guidance, let’s review the terms you need to know. Revisit these any time on the Key Terms page.

  • Vroom Content: Vroom text, including Vroom Tips and other written intellectual property (e.g., Brain Building Basics™ and their definitions.)

  • Vroom Materials: Collateral and physical or digital resources intended share Vroom Content or raise awareness about the importance of Vroom. These include, but are not limited to, posters, flyers, videos, tip cards, and handouts developed by the Bezos Family Foundation.

  • Format: The format refers to the way Vroom Content is expressed for a specific purpose or delivery channel. For example, depending on the context, Vroom Content has been used in the traditional two-part format of activity and Brainy Background, a three-part format specially developed for SMS character limits, or a single block that combines the activity and Brainy Background printed on a shopping tote bag.

  • Assets: Assets are the individual design building blocks that are combined to create materials. These include illustrations, photographs, fonts, colors, etc.

  • Attribution: The process of identifying the source of Vroom Content. For this license the appropriate attribution may be either the "Powered by Vroom" logo or the "Inspired by Vroom" logo, depending on the level of adaptation.

  • Vroom Trademarks: Any combination of words, names, symbols, or designs used to identify and distinguish Vroom. This includes marks or logos created and owned by the Bezos Family Foundation for use with the Vroom Content. Trademarks may vary by location.

Examples of Vroom logos using the ™ trademark designation