Training: Adapting Vroom Content

Module 4: Adaptation Guidelines

Adaptation Guidelines

This section will provide additional guidelines for adaptation.

Adaptation Do's & Don'ts

  • DO attribute properly to Vroom
  • DO co-brand properly
  • DO direct readers to your website and social media channels
  • DO refer to these guidelines when adapting Vroom Content
  • DO use Vroom Content on materials directed at parents and caregivers
  • DO submit all adaptation of Vroom Content and use of Vroom Trademarks in materials for review and approval by Vroom
  • DO keep language simple and accessible. All content must be at or below a primary school level.
  • DON’T adapt Vroom Content without a Vroom Content License
  • DON’T use Vroom Content, logo or trademarks for commercial purposes
  • DON’T use Bezos Family Foundation name, logo, or trademarks without permission
  • DON’T use Vroom Content on materials directed at children
  • DON’T copy Vroom Content or create content that looks or feels like Vroom
  • DON’T combine Vroom trademarks or logos with other trademarks or logos
  • DON’T use Vroom trademarks on materials that are false, illegal, disparaging, derogatory, infringing or misleading
  • DON’T use Vroom trademarks in a way that suggests your program has been endorsed by, approved by, supported by or affiliated with the Bezos Family Foundation

Simple Modifications

Any activity alterations that swap a word (for example, “bread”) with an equivalent word (“pita”) in the same language and do not alter the focus of the top, or the nature of the activity do not require specific approval by Vroom prior to use.

Don't Forget

Keep language simple and accessible. All adapted Vroom Content should be at or below a primary school level.


The NSPCC needed to make some simple modifications to Vroom Content in order to make the terms and spelling more recognizable for their audience.

General changes:

  • Changed capitalization to match NSPCC’s style guide
  • Changed "diaper" to "nappy"
  • Changed "color" to "colour"
  • Changed "at the store" to "shopping"
  • Changed "favorite" to "favourite"
  • Changed some exclamation marks to periods
  • Changed "okay" to "OK"
  • Changed the featured item from “measuring spoons” to “socks” in one tip, because that felt more realistic to the core audience
  • Changed "sweater" to "jumper"
  • Changed "pants" to "trousers"
  • Changed "cart" to "trolley"
  • Changed "avocado" to "tomato" because this felt more relatable

Example Vroom Tip with Minor Changes:


Cart vision

As you shop for food, think about what your child might be seeing and discuss it with them while paying attention to sights, sounds, and smells. “Do you hear someone talking? It’s the lady over there.” “What do you smell? It smells yummy.” “See that green thing? It's an avocado we're going to buy.”  

Talking to your child about what they see, hear, and smell—even before they can talk much—is how they learn to make sense of experiences, and how they learn words and what they mean. By describing their Cart Vision, you’re also helping them feel important and understood.


Trolley vision

As you shop for food, think about what your child might be seeing and discuss it with them while paying attention to sights, sounds, and smells. “Do you hear someone talking? It’s the lady over there.” “What do you smell? It smells yummy.” “See that red thing? It's a tomato we're going to buy.”  

Talking to your child about what they see, hear, and smell—even before they can talk much—is how they learn to make sense of experiences, and how they learn words and what they mean. By describing their trolley vision, you’re also helping them feel important and understood.

Pre-Approved Adaptations

Once you have demonstrated that you have a clear understanding of the Vroom Content adaptation parameters, Vroom may pre-approve specific types of adaptations. These may include:

  • Changing gender pronouns
  • Changing the order of the tip or sentence structure if the original meaning is maintained
  • Changing an item to make it more culturally or situationally relevant (e.g., bread to pita)
  • Changing or removing adjectives that do not translate (e.g., silly or goofy)
  • Changing cultural references, like a song or poem title
  • Changing time of day or location
  • Changing parts of speech to agree with feminine/masculine or other grammar conventions
  • Changing formal vs. informal address
  • Making a simple translation without further adaptation

Some Adaptations Require Approval from Vroom Before Use

You will always need to get approval from Vroom when using Vroom trademarks. And, some adaptations always require approval from Vroom before they can be used. These include:

  • Adjusting tone for culture
  • Removing or replacing a skill
  • Using Vroom trademarks
  • Removing or replacing a science-based outcome
The Big Idea

Remember, all final versions of content, including visual adaptations, must be submitted to Vroom for final review, approval, and archiving. These adaptations may be shared with other communities.