Training: Adapting Vroom Content

Module 1: What We Do

What We Do

Vroom gives parents and caregivers tools to help their children learn and grow.

We translate early childhood science into actionable, brain-building activities that caregivers can do together with their children. Then we provide the science behind the activity. We call these Vroom Tips.

The Big Idea

Our Core Beliefs

  • We believe every child deserves to learn, grow and thrive.

  • We believe every parent has everything they need to boost their child's learning.

  • We believe in the power of science.

  • We believe in supporting existing programs doing great work in communities.

  • We believe in building on opportunities to help parents boost their child's learning during the time they already spend together.

There are two critical elements to our approach.

  • We are committed to Science.

The science of early childhood brain development has blossomed over the last few decades. Our goal is to share the science of early brain development in creative ways so all children have the chance to become thriving adults. Any adaptations of Vroom Content must reflect, prioritize and maintain the science-based elements of each activity and Brainy Background.

  • We support what parents are doing right.

Rather than telling parents what they should or shouldn’t do, we focus on helping parents see what they are already doing to help build their child’s brain. Parents and their children have small moments of joy and interaction all the time. We want to inspire more of these moments and help parents use them to spark growth and learning.

Vroom: Everyone has what it takes to be a Brain Builder!

Did you know that parents and caregivers already have what it takes to become brain builders with their children? This inspiring video illustrates this conce...

Keep in Mind

Vroom Tips are not just actionable, brain-building activities that caregivers can do together with their children. They always include the science behind the activity.

What Vroom is Not

To inform your adaptations and support messaging, it is also helpful to reflect on what Vroom is not.

  • About Parenting Overall

It is about promoting engagement and reinforcing existing strengths through specific brain-building behavior based on science.

  • Academic

Science is at the core of the content, but you don’t need to know anything about neuroscience to understand it. We avoid jargon (even our own) and speak in terms that anyone can connect with on a personal level.

  • About Perfect Parenting

Being a brain-builder is not about perfect parenting. We try to avoid making judgments about people’s lives and/or capacity. Everyone has what it takes to be a better brain-builder, regardless of background or economic status, and we can all strive for better, not best.

  • Forgettable

By keeping messages short and relevant, we make it easy for parents to share Vroom Tips with their friends and family in regular conversation.

  • Just a Tool

Vroom is not just an app or piece of collateral—it’s a broad-based community initiative with the goal of inspiring a culture of brain-building.

  • Prescriptive

Vroom isn’t about telling parents what to do; it is about meeting them where they are.

  • Boring

We want a Vroom moment to be the best part of a parent or caregiver’s day. Vroom Tips are in a playful voice, and the child and the adult should experience the activities together as play.

  • A Diagnostic Tool

While Vroom Content aligns with common early childhood brain development milestones and stages, it should not be used to diagnose or evaluate a child’s developmental progress.

  • Beyond the Brain

While other skills or milestones can align with Vroom Content, topics such as fine or gross motor skills are not generally related to the early childhood brain development that Vroom focuses on.

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